Pobyt a poznávačka Srí Lankou
Program 1. den – přílet a odpočinek u moře 2. den – odpočinek u moře 3. den – výlet do želví lihně, výlet lodičkou na lagunu, návštěva zahrady s kořením a ajurvédou, návštěva dolů s drahými kameny, návštěva muzea tsunami, […]
Pobyt a jednodenní výlety na Srí Lance
Program 1. den – vyzvednuti na letišti, odpočinek u moře 2. den – odpocinek u moře 3. den – výlet do želví lihně, výlet lodičkou na lagunu, návštěva zahrady s kořením a ajurvédou, návštěva dolů s drahými kameny, návštěva muzea […]
Horska vesnička Ella a Lipton seat anebo vodopád Diyaluma
Horská vesnička Ella (malá Adamova hora, devítiobloukový most Demodara, vodopád Ravana Ella) a Lipton seat (výlet místním autobusem a tuk tukem) anebo trek k vodopádu Diyaluma Při tomto výletu se podíváte na jedno z nejznámějších a nejfotogeničtějších míst Srí Lanky. […]
Recenze Sri lanka s českým průvodcem
hanka bola v case nasej planovanej cesty vybookovana, zabezpecila nam ale pana vodica (a bol to PAN vodic!) a ubytovanie na celom okruhu, ktory sme chceli absolvovat. po cely cas… read more bola na telefone v pripade akehokolvek problemu (i ked vlastne ziaden nebol 😀 )
velmi mila osobka a cely jej team 🙂 odporucame vsetkymi 10timi!
7. augusta 2020
Guys, If you need help with anything and I really mean anything..you have chosen right person! Have sent me and my boyfriend with Hanka few days.. were on trip… read more togehter and in touch all the time we were on Sri lanka. She was helpful and open all the time..ready to give advice regarding hints for accomodation, restautants, places to visit etc. I fully recommend this amazing girl and wish her all the best! Thank you very much one more time Hanka and take care 🤗 …
1. januára 2020
Friendly and warm welcome by Hanka, helpful with all the doubts, nice trips – great service, responsibility. Highly recommending Hanka’s services.
Zuzana M
1. novembra 2019
I can only recommend Helena aka Hanka and her services. As she has been living on Sri lanka for almost 7 years, she can show you it’s wonders, talk about… read more some history and tell you plenty of funny background stories from the everyday life with her srilanka husband Milan and other local people. It’s really nice to hear it from this point of view and imagine how the real life on the island is. We were a group of 8 people and we felt just like a friends on a roadtrip. Hanka arranged everything, adjusted all to our wishes and budget and we really enjoyed the stay there. We also tried local bus and train,however with the car and the guide it was much more convenient and faster and you did not need to study anything upfront and everytime you had a place for your stuff during the trips. If you want to make Hanka’s day just bring her some good and no spicy european food along 😉 Cheers, Kristyna & Pepa …
1. septembra 2019